Scottish Labour
Falkirk Labour

National Health Service

Is it Safe in SNP Hands?

Councillor Anne Hannah, Falkirk Labour Group Leader
Councillor Anne Hannah (Ward 8: Lower Braes)
27th June, 2024

A senior Falkirk Labour figure has been casting a critical eye over recent SNP statements and manifesto promises on Scotland’s National Health Service, finding an alarming difference between what the SNP say is happening and information from other official sources.

The exercise was carried out by Councillor Anne Hannah, leader of Falkirk Council’s Labour Group. She said later that even she was surprised by the level of difference between the two sets of sources.

The SNP manifesto states:

“SNP MPs will do all that they can to protect Scotland’s NHS and act to stop further austerity being imposed by Westminster“

“Protect our NHS from the twin threats of Westminster privatisation and austerity. The UK Government should back our Bill to keep the NHS in public hands and boost NHS England funding by at least £16bn each year, providing an extra £1.6bn to NHS Scotland.”

“Independence is the means of addressing concerns over the cost of living and funding of the NHS.”

“Westminster Governments have chosen to repeatedly slash public spending when our NHS, schools and other public services desperately need investment”

Examine the Claims
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  • Read Labour's Manifesto for Change