29th March, 2023
Labour Amendment to Strategic Property Review Recommendations
Replace recommendation b) with the following:
b) Does not approve the closure of any community building, park building, sports pavilion, sports centre or other miscellaneous sports (see table in paragraph 4.6). Council instructs officers to:
- Find methods of reducing energy consumption through energy efficiency measures,
- Investigate options for use of renewable energy sources and install where appropriate,
- Investigate options for increasing usage of the facilities,
- Review fees and charges to generate increased income,
- Undertake such maintenance and improvement measures as will improve the attractiveness of the facility, thereby increasing success in II above,
- Identify relocation plans for staff, equipment, artefacts etc. in stores,
- Provide detailed data on each property and engage with community groups and sports organisations to develop alternative delivery models that are viable and sustainable,
- Report back to Council on each property or facility for decisions.
Replace recommendation d) with the following:
d) Approves in principle the allocation of a fund for capital investment - to be funded from property savings from within the SPR, and increased income from properties - to enable community asset transfers and alternative delivery models. The proposed governance arrangements are outlined in the report. Officers will report back to Council on available funds, taking into account the impact of the proposals at b above.