Scottish Labour
Falkirk Labour

Grangemouth Workers Should Decide Future

Labour MSP Richard Leoanrd with protesters at the Falkirk bandstand
Labour MSP Richard Leonard with protesters at the Falkirk bandstand
23rd November, 2023

Despite the reports yesterday, I do not believe that the closure of the Grangemouth oil refinery should be seen as a done deal.

The site is a national strategic asset and its future should not be determined by the likes of Jim Ratcliffe.

It is my firm view that the workers and their trade unions must be given the opportunity to map out a different future from the one set out by the present billionaire owners who do not live in our communities or share our interests.

I have written to the Cabinet Secretary to say that I hope the Scottish Government will stand ready to provide any resources they need to help them do this.

  • Read the Letter
  • His initial response was to simply repeat the SNP's 'commercial decision' mantra, but I do not accept this and I will keep pushing.

    I am meeting the Cabinet Secretary tomorrow and spoke in parliament on the issue this afternoon.

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  • I spoke at the Falkirk TUC rally on Saturday 18 November.

    I talked about the importance of trade unions working together and how this has been shown by the strikes by Unite, Unison and GMB workers at Scottish Water.

    This publicly owned utility, which pays eye watering sums to bosses, had tried to cut the pay of its lowest paid workers.

    I was proud to join them on their picket lines and I am delighted the action has resulted in an improved offer, which the unions are considering.

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